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Outdoor Yoga Routine – Fire Exercise

yoga downward facing dog pose

yoga downward facing dog pose

Strength, Power
Fire is protective, purifying, and energizing. You can feel the power of fire from the sun, stars, and moon — whether you can see them or not. This kind of cosmic energy radiates through us on a sunny or overcast day, at dawn or dusk. Throughout your practice, as you draw energy from the earth and power from the wind, feel that influx of solar energy nurturing and purifying your mind, body, and soul. One way to nurture this energy is to feed your inner fire with a challenging, energy-building pose.

Fire Exercise
1. From Mountain pose move into Chair pose by first raising your arms so they are perpendicular to the floor and in line with the back and neck. Bend your knees and lower your tailbone as if you are sitting, lowering until your thighs are almost parallel to the ground. Keep your knees aligned with your ankles, and hold for five breaths.

2. Straighten legs and dive into a forward fold as you exhale, then step back into Downward-Facing Dog, hands and feet on the ground, hips raised, heels pressing toward the ground, arms firm, fingers spread, and palms flat. Hold for a few breaths to build heat in the body.

3. Exhale as you pull your left knee in toward your forehead and hold, engaging your core.

Return left leg to Downward Dog and repeat with the right leg. Jump or step your feet into forward fold; slowly roll up.

To Experience Fire
Feel the sun’s warmth on your body. Bathe in cool moonlight and starlight, which are reflected from the sun. Watch for fireflies after sundown. Practice by candlelight.
adapted from WholeLiving Magazine, July/August 2005 by Terri Trespicio
Digital Zen Alarm Clocks and Timers for Yoga and Meditation with Chimes

Digital Zen Alarm Clocks and Timers for Yoga and Meditation with Chimes

Now & Zen
1638 Pearl Street
Boulder, CO  80302
(800) 779-6383

Posted in yoga, Yoga Timer, Yoga Timers by Now & Zen