You’ve been om-ing your way through yoga class for years, but have you ever wondered what the mantra really means? According to the Yajur-Veda, one of the earliest sacred texts of the yoga tradition, om represents the entire universe — past, present, and future. The sound is actually a combination of four parts: a (“ah”), or wakefulness; u (“oh”), the dream state; m (“mmm”), the quietness of deep, dreamless sleep; and the silence that follows, which represents pure consciousness.
As yogis will attest, the vibrations of om help settle the mind in a profound way. But don’t wait until your next hatha class to say it. Use it whenever you need a quick infusion of calm.
Our Zen Timepiece’s acoustic 6-inch brass bowl-gong clock is the world’s ultimate alarm clock, practice timer, and “mindfulness bell.”

Meditation Timer and Singing Bowl Alarm Clock for Yoga and a Peaceful Awakening
It fills your environment with beautifully complex tones whenever it strikes. In the morning, its exquisite sounds summon your consciousness into awakening with a series of subtle gongs that provide an elegant beginning to your day. Once you experience the Zen Timepiece’s progressive awakening, you’ll never want to wake up any other way. It also serves as the perfect meditation timer.
adapted from Whole Living Magazine, April/May 2007

Zen Timepiece, a brass singing bowl clock and timer for meditation and yoga