Woodblock print by Toyohara Chikanobu (1838-1912), dated 1896;Once you experience the Zen Timepiece's progressive tones, you'll never want to meditate any other way.
Meditation offers a number of benefits, but did you know it can also improve ALL, yes ALL of your relationships, whether romantic or purely business? Try this meditation tip to reduce relationship stress.
The below is reprinted with permission from The Best Meditations on the Planet by Martin Hart (Fair Winds Press, 2012)
Disputes with the people we know often arise from the judgments we’ve made about them. When we point fingers and judge other people to be wrong, we experience frustration, disappointment, anger, anxiety, or other unpleasant emotions We also set up an “us vs. them” situation. Our reactions generate stress and unhappiness in our relationships.
The following practice helps you become aware of the judgments you make every day. By paying attention to how you judge others, you can reduce the stress you experience when relating to other people and ease tensions with family members, partners, and coworkers.
- Notice each time you make a verbal or mental judgment about someone else. That idiot pulled right out in front of me! That woman is so fat, how can she let herself get that way? He’s stupid to believe that crazy idea…
- Notice each time you use these words: should, must, ought to, got to, have to, need to.
- Just observe what you say and think. Each time you catch yourself judging or criticizing someone, simple acknowledge it by mentally saying “judgment”.
- Don’t judge or blame yourself for having judgmental thoughts.
- In time, you’ll discover that you aren’t as quick to find fault with others. Your desire to change them lessens You can observe the people in your life without criticizing them or judging them to be wrong.
- You’ll also find that your own stress level diminishes, as does the tension between you and other people.
- Make this practice a part of your everyday life.
adapted from healinglifestyles.com

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