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Calming Chime and Gong Alarm Clocks

sleeping in can change your life

sleeping in can change your life

Changing Your Life: Getting More Sleep Can Improve Your Health


Researchers say lack of sleep is connected to cardiovascular disease, hypertension and high blood pressure. It also compromises the immune system, contributes to obesity and severely impairs mental judgment.Dieting might be more difficult too. Recent findings also show that when you are sleep deprived, your body actually boosts production of the hormone that makes you hungry.

But research suggests that getting just one extra hour of sleep each night could dramatically affect your health. In fact, researchers from the University of Chicago found that those who bumped up their hours of sleep, from 6 to 7 hours had a 33 percent decreased chance of having clogged arteries.

Just the anticipation of an alarm clock jolting you awake can contribute to poor sleep habits and the lose of sleep.  Using a soothing, chime alarm clock will help you avoid this anxiety.  The maker’s of the Zen Alarm Clock have mastered this with the production of their entire line of soothing, Chime and Gong Alarm Clocks with real acoustic sounds.

Soothing chime and gong alarm clocks by Now & Zen, Inc.

Soothing chime and gong alarm clocks by Now & Zen, Inc.

Now & Zen, Inc.

1638 Pearl Street

Boulder, CO  80302

(800) 779-6383

Posted in Bamboo Chime Clocks, Now & Zen Alarm Clocks, Well-being