Singing Bowl Alarm Clocks are Made of Five Metals
The bowl that comes with our Zen Timepiece is made from the following five metals: copper, zinc, lead, iron, and tin. It has been formed using the same forging techniques that have been used in Asia for two thousand years. Unlike hand-hammered Himalayan-style bowls, your Zen Timepiece’s rin gong bowl is made using methods which first appeared in Japan in the first century. Following these traditions, your bowl’s long-resonating tone has been carefully selected to bring beauty and harmony to your environment.
The bowl that comes with our Zen Timepiece is made from the following five metals: copper, zinc, lead, iron, and tin. It has been formed using the same forging techniques that have been used in Asia for two thousand years. Unlike hand-hammered Himalayan-style bowls, your Zen Timepiece’s rin gong bowl is made using methods which first appeared in Japan in the first century. Following these traditions, your bowl’s long-resonating tone has been carefully selected to bring beauty and harmony to your environment.
Long-resonating Singing Bowl Alarm Clocks
Now & Zen
1638 Pearl Street
Boulder, CO 80302
(800) 779-6383
Posted in Bamboo Chime Clocks