It's exquisite sounds summon your consciousness out of your meditative state with a series of subtle gongs. Once you experience the Zen Timepiece's progressive tones, you'll never want to meditate any other way. It serves as the perfect meditation timer.
Think meditating requires the patience, dedication, and endless free time of a Tibetan monk? Here are three simple ways to work this mind-calming, heart-strengthening discipline into your daily routine, no matter how confirmed a type A you are.
Walking Meditation Focus on your breathing; count your steps. Become aware of how your feet and legs move. Celebrate each movement as a miracle of silent communication between your brain and your body.
Mindfulness Concentrate all your energy on whatever you’re doing now, even something as mundane as washing dishes. Consider each element of the activity as if you were moving in slow motion. If other thoughts interrupt, gently bring your mind back to your task.
Mantra In Sanskrit, man means mind and tra means deliverance. Repeating a mantra–a word, phrase, or sound–creates a sound vibration that could deliver you from worldly cares. Choose a prayer, word, or sound that invokes a spiritual feeling. Sit comfortably and breathe deeply as you chant it silently.
adapted from Prevention by By Sara Altshul
Although meditation can be done in almost any context, practitioners usually employ a quiet, tranquil space, a meditation cushion or bench, and some kind of timing device to time the meditation session. Ideally, the more these accoutrements can be integrated the better. Thus, it is conducive to a satisfying meditation practice to have a timer or clock that is tranquil and beautiful. Using a kitchen timer or beeper watch is less than ideal.
And it was with these considerations in mind that we designed our digital Zen Alarm Clock and practice timer. This unique “Zen Clock” features a long-resonating acoustic chime that brings the meditation session to a gradual close, preserving the environment of stillness while also acting as an effective time signal. The Digital Zen Clock can be programmed to chime at the end of the meditation session or periodically throughout the session as a kind of sonic yantra. The beauty and functionality of the Zen Clock/Timer makes it a meditation tool that can actually help you “make time” for meditation in your life.

This unique "Zen Clock" features a long-resonating acoustic chime that brings the meditation session to a gradual close, preserving the environment of stillness while also acting as an effective time signal.
Posted in Bamboo Chime Clocks, Meditation Timers, Meditation Tools, mindfulness practice