Japanese Influences- Zen Alarm Clocks
Boulder Colorado based Now & Zen makes beautiful and useful Japanese influenced products for your home. Now & Zen’s most popular product is the Zen Alarm Clock, which wakes you gracefully with a gradually increasing series of acoustic chimes or gongs.

Zen Clocks Inspired by Japanese Influences
Now & Zen’s line of over 50 different Zen Clocks were all conceived and designed by philosopher Steve McIntosh.
Steve’s love of beauty and passion for spiritual practice led him to invent products that would make a real difference in people’s lives. He created Now & Zen’s brand aesthetic by combining the harmonic proportions of sacred geometry with motifs from traditional Japanese influences. This has resulted in product designs that have a timeless, universal appeal.
Now & Zen’s Clock Store
1638 Pearl Street
Boulder, CO 80302
(800) 779-6383

Japanese Calligraphy Dial Face - Chime Alarm Clock By Now & Zen
Posted in Japanese Inspired Zen Clocks