Medicinal teas are easy, natural ways to help relieve numerous ailments such as PMS, hot flashes, mood-swings, and fatigue. Here is how to brew your next batch.
For dried herbs and supplies, try Jean’s Greens or Mountain Rose Herbs.
Single Ingredient Teas
Leaves And Flowers
Pour a quart of boiling water over 4 tablespoons of the herb, cover and steep for 20 minutes, and strain.
Roots, Berries, Or Bark
Simmer 4 tablespoons for 20 minutes, then strain.
Tea Blends
For teas that call for multiple ingredients, you’ll save time by making a large batch of dried herbs.
To make a blend, follow the ratio in the recipe, using 1 ounce of dried herb per “part”; for example, if a formula calls for one part each of nettle and oat tops and 1.4 part peppermint, combine 1 ounce each of the first two ingredients with 1.4 ounce of the last. Mix well, and store your blend in an airtight glass container.
To make a quart of tea, a good daily dose for many conditions, pour boiling water over 4 tablespoons of the mixture in a quart-sized heat-proof jar (such as a Mason jar). Cover and steep for at least 20 minutes. Strain the herbs out. Will keep refrigerated for two to three days.
Tea Recipes for Women’s Health
PMS Relieving Nettle Tea
Pour a quart of boiling water over 4 tablespoons dried nettles (plus a tablespoon of spearmint or peppermint for flavor); steep for at least 20 minutes, and strain. Drink 2 cups or more daily.
Cramp-Relief Tea
Add 5 to 6 tablespoons of fresh or dried ginger to 1 quart of water; cover and simmer for 10 minutes. Add honey and lemon to flavor. Sip hot throughout the day.
Pregnancy-Prep Tea Blend
Combine 1 part each of dried tea nettle leaf, raspberry leaf, lady’s mantle, and cut-and sifted ginger. Drink 3 to 4 cups daily.
A Fatigue Fixing Tea Blend
Mix equal parts nettle, raspberry leaf, oat tops, and lemon balm with 1/4 part each of cut-and sifted licorice and ginger. Drink 3 cups daily.
Hot Flash Cooling Tea Blend
Combine equal parts sage, blue vervain, and motherwort with 1/2 part peppermint or spearmint for flavor. Drink throughout the day as needed.
Happiness Tea Blend
Combine equal parts hawthorn (berries, leaf, and flowers), lemon balm, St. John’s wort, blue vervain, and oat tops. Drink 3 to 4 cups daily.

timer with gong
Now & Zen, Inc.
1638 Pearl St.
Boulder, CO 80302
(800) 779-6383