yoga on the road
Living in a temporary abode can present challenges for your yoga practice. Yet, this is the time you most need it.
By Sandy Anderson
Whether you’re staying in a hotel, a beachfront condo, or the spare bedroom of your parents’ house for the holidays, living in a temporary abode can present challenges for your yoga practice. Yet, this is the time you most need it—amidst the disrupted schedules, dietary changes, and the toll that traveling can take on your body and mind. So don’t give up!
Start by designating a physical place for your practice. As soon as you set your suitcase down, survey your lodgings and choose a clean, secluded place away from traffic patterns in the room. It might be between a couch and a chair, near a corner next to a nightstand, or next to a wall with a window. Next, set up the accoutrements of your practice: a yoga mat, mala beads, journal, or a folded blanket and pillow from the bed to serve as your meditation seat.
By creating a space in your physical environment, you create a mental space in which your intentions to maintain your practice can take root and grow stronger. Whenever your eyes fall on your mat or meditation cushion, you’ll be reminded to make room in your schedule for yoga. Even if all you have time for is a sun salutation and a relaxation before dinner with your relatives, you’ll stay connected to your practice—and more relaxed and centered while you’re away from home.
Our Yoga Timer and Clock’s long-resonating Tibetan bell-like chime makes doing yoga and meditating a beautiful experience – its progressive chimes begin your day with grace. When the timer’s alarm is triggered, the acoustic chime bar is struck just once … 3-1/2 minutes later it strikes again … chime strikes become more frequent over 10 minutes … eventually striking every 5 seconds until shut off.

Yoga Timer with Chime
Yoga International senior editor Sandra Anderson is co-author of Yoga: Mastering the Basics and has taught yoga and meditation for over 25 years.

Gentle Alarm Clocks and Yoga Timers
Now & Zen’s Yoga Timer and Alarm Clock Shop
1638 Pearl St.
Boulder, CO 80302
(800) 779-6383
Posted in Chime Alarm Clocks