Kiyonaga Torii, Bonsai Vendor - Soothing Sound Alarm Clock & Timer from Now & Zen, Inc.
With your heart open and your breath flowing, make a choice to fully regain your sense of well-being and empowerment. Expand your attention to include full-body awareness by saying to yourself: “I’m aware of my whole body at once, here in this present moment.”
On any given day, you likely feel spontaneous moments of peace that arise when you’re watching children play, for instance, or exercising or witnessing a beautiful sunset. This step of the sequence helps you consciously initiate this relaxing feeling so you feel whole and in the moment by choice rather than by chance. After all, the things you focus on help create your mood — and what you focus on is up to you. By waking up to the present moment, you regain your sense of well-being and control. As Selby explains, “You can shift from being the victim of your mood swings to being the victor.”

Meditation for an Uplifted Mood
Meditation 101:
Do I really need a timer?
Time is such a drag, especially when you have entered that timeless state of bliss that sometimes arises when you meditate or practice yoga. Ideally, once you achieve samadhi through such practices, you can just go on and on with no concern for such petty worldly concerns such as what time it is. However, unless you’re a monk or nun, endless bliss can have a way of interfering with your life’s other commitments.
This is why using a timer as an accoutrement to your spiritual practice can be both handy for you and a way of being considerate to others.
Yet because time and timing can sometimes be a drag, it is important to make the best of it. And the best way to make time your ally is by using a clock/timer that is beautiful to both eye and ear. This is the role of
the Zen Alarm Clock; it’s a practice timer and alarm clock housed in a beautiful hardwood case and featuring the long resonating and tranquil sounds of an acoustic chime or brass bowl-gong.
Used as a timer, the
Zen Clock brings a graceful end to your practice session. And as an alarm clock it makes waking up an exquisite experience you will actually look forward to! To see and hear our entire line of Zen Clocks and timers, visit us at: www.now-zen.com, or stop by our headquarters store in downtown Boulder Colorado on Pearl Street.
adapted from Body + Soul, Jan/Feb 2007 by Terri Trespicio

Soothing Sound Alarm Clock & Timers by Now & Zen, Inc.
Now & Zen
The Soothing Alarm Clock Headquarter Store
1638 Pearl Street
Boulder, CO 80302
(800) 779-6383
Posted in Bamboo Chime Clocks, Meditation Timers, Meditation Tools, mindfulness practice, Now & Zen Alarm Clocks, Well-being, Yoga Timer, Zen Timepiece by Now & Zen, Zen Timers