use your chime timer to practice breathing
Fall is the season when the lungs, believed to harbor sadness and grief, are most vulnerable, according to Chinese medicine. In response to cold, dry weather, they begin to constrict. To keep yours healthy and strong as cold and flu season approaches, Ni suggests this breathing exercise: Sit with your spine tall and your hands on your abdomen. Draw in a deep breath for a count of 10, expanding your abdomen and then filling your lungs. Exhale in reverse for another 10 count, squeezing out all the air you can. Set your Chime Timer by Now & Zen for 15 minutes and continue until the calming chime strikes.
adapted from Wholeliving.com, October 2010
The Zen Alarm Clock is a consciousness-raising tool. No material object can actually raise your consciousness, but you can use information and devices such as this clock to stimulate your growth. The Zen Alarm Clock can effect your awareness in a variety of positive ways, all of which require your participation.

Chime Timers, time your wellness practice with a calming chimes
Now & Zen – The Zen Chime Timer Store
1638 Pearl Street
Boulder, CO 80302
Posted in intention, Meditation Timers, Meditation Tools, mindfulness practice, Well-being