meditation for relaxation
It’s no surprise that being consumed with anger can bring on a headache. But worse than expressing your ire is not expressing it. According to researchers at the St. Louis University School of Medicine, bottling up rage may play a bigger role in head pain than anyone ever imagined. Psychologist Robert Nicholson asked 422 people various questions meant to uncover their headache triggers, and the answers pointed to one thing: “Holding in anger was the most important emotional factor in whether or not they were going to experience headaches,” says Nicholson. Why does allowing your frustration to fester bring on the pain? “I wish I had a good answer,” Nicholson says. “We’re getting research underway to figure out the physiology behind it. Muscle tension probably plays a role, but some people think there’s also some interaction of the emotional component of the brain with pain receptors.” Whatever those pathways turn out to be, the answer isn’t just to let anger fly but to figure out ways to keep it from eating away at you. Experts advise learning relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing, yoga, meditation, or biofeedback. You might also want to see a therapist who can help you learn healthy ways to express your anger. Your head—and your friends—will thank you.
adapted from Natural Solutions, October 2003
Although meditation can be done in almost any context, practitioners usually employ a quiet, tranquil space, a meditation cushion or bench, and some kind of timing device to time the meditation session. Ideally, the more these accoutrements can be integrated the better. Thus, it is conducive to a satisfying meditation practice to have a timer or clock that is tranquil and beautiful. Using a kitchen timer or beeper watch is less than ideal.
And it was with these considerations in mind that we designed our digital Zen Alarm Clock and practice timer. This unique “Zen Clock” features a long-resonating acoustic chime that brings the meditation session to a gradual close, preserving the environment of stillness while also acting as an effective time signal.

Meditation Timers with Chime, a natural acoustic sound not electronic
Now & Zen – The Zen Meditation Timer Store
1638 Pearl Street
Boulder, CO 80302
(800) 779-6383
Posted in Chime Alarm Clocks