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Archive for the 'Meditation Tools' Category
 Cherry Blossoms
Beyond the psychological inquiry into dreams or the self-improvement techniques of affirmations lies the ancient and sacred practice of meditation. Some form of meditation is practiced in every major world religion. Yogis, Christian mystics, Zen Buddhists, Quakers, practitioners of the Kabbalah, and Secular Humanists, all experience the benefits of meditation.
 A Moment of Stillness in Nature
The Zen Timepiece is an exquisite “accoutrement to meditation.” It can be used in a variety of ways to aid your practice and encourage you to “make time” to meditate. The first and most basic use of the Zen Timepiece in your meditation practice is as a signal of the end of your allotted meditation time.
If you want to meditate for twenty minutes, simply set our Chime countdown timer for twenty minutes and begin your meditation. When the countdown timer reaches zero and the bowl/gong is struck, you can choose to end there or continue your meditation for about three and a half minutes until the next bowl strike, or even longer. Many meditators find that a “three and a half minute warning” is a perfect interval in which to gradually conclude their longer meditations. The first strike signals the final phase of the meditation and the second strike its conclusion. The beauty of the brass bowl/gong is that it complements rather than disturbs the meditative state while acting as an effective timer. No matter how you use it, the sonic clarity of the brass bowl provides an appropriate conclusion to your stillness.
Now & Zen Headquarter Store, Boulder, CO
The bowl that comes with the Zen Timepiece is made from the following five metals: copper, zinc, lead, iron, and tin. It has been formed using the same forging techniques that have been used in Asia for two thousand years. Unlike hand-hammered Himalayan-style bowls, our Zen Timepiece’s rin gong bowl is made using methods which first appeared in Japan in the first century. Following these traditions, your bowl’s long-resonating tone has been carefully selected to bring beauty and harmony to your environment.
 Clocks and Timers with Gentle, Soothing Chimes
Now & Zen’s Chime Alarm Clock Shop
Home of The Zen Alarm Clock & Zen Timepiece with Singing Bowl
1638 Pearl Street
Boulder, CO 80302
(800) 779-6383
Posted in Japanese Inspired Zen Clocks, Meditation Timers, Meditation Tools, Natural Awakening, Now & Zen Alarm Clocks, Progressive Awakening, Yoga Timers by Now & Zen, Zen Timepiece by Now & Zen, Zen Timers
 Yoga Clocks and Timers by Now & Zen, Inc.
Need help sleeping? Doing yoga exercises before bedtime can be just what you need
Sit up in bed comfortably, either with your legs folded or straight in front of you; whatever you can do with the most ease. Sit up and lean slightly back on your pillows or backboard. Close your eyes and rest your hands on your thighs and just breathe here for a few minutes. This doesn’t have to be a serious meditation but just a short while to do nothing but breathe.
Need a Yoga & Meditation timer? Get the natural one: A Bowl-Gong Bamboo Zen Timepiece from Now & Zen
Spiritual practices such as meditation or yoga are best done in an environment of beauty and tranquility. And the clock/timer you use for your practice can make a real difference in creating such an environment. But using a timer with artificial “beeps,” or even “recorded gongs,” coming out of a plastic box can be less than ideal. The Bamboo Zen Timepiece is unlike any other meditation timer on the market because it features a real, natural, acoustic, long-resonating gong, produced by its traditional Japanese style bowl-gong, or “rin-gong”. Moreover, The Zen Timepiece is made with sustainable natural bamboo, so it is as beautiful to see as it is to hear. Once you use a Zen Timepiece, nothing else will do.
 Yoga & Meditation Timer and Clocks
Now & Zen – The Yoga Clock & Timer Store
1638 Pearl Street
Boulder, CO 80302
(800) 779-6383
Posted in Bamboo Chime Clocks, Meditation Timers, Meditation Tools, mindfulness practice, Well-being, Yoga Timer, Yoga Timers by Now & Zen, Zen Alarm Clock, Zen Timepiece by Now & Zen, Zen Timers
 Choose a Soothing Chime Timer for Your Mindfulness Practice - Utgarwa Beauty
“Mindfulness” is the spiritual practice of being aware of your present moment. World famous Zen monk Thich Nhat Hanh has developed the use of a bowl-gong in a practice he calls the “mindfulness bell.” When you hear the sound of the mindfulness bell, you are invited to take a moment to breathe in and out and center yourself in the present. This practice allows the sound of the bowl-gong to periodically connect you to the peace and tranquility that resides inside you right now. This delightful practice reduces stress and improves your overall health.
Mindfulness practice, is increasingly being employed in Western psychology to alleviate a variety of mental and physical conditions.
Scientific research into mindfulness generally falls under the umbrella of positive psychology. Research has been ongoing over the last twenty or thirty years, with a surge of interest over the last decade in particular. In 2011, The Natural Institute for Health’s National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) released the findings of a study wherein magnetic resonance images of the brains of 16 participants 2 weeks before and after mindfulness meditation practitioners, joined the meditation program were taken by researchers from Massachusetts General Hospital, Bender Institute of Neuroimaging in Germany, and the University of Massachusetts Medical School. It concluded that “..these findings may represent an underlying brain mechanism associated with mindfulness-based improvements in mental health. [From Wikipedia]
 Choose a Yoga & Meditation Timer with Soothing Chimes
The Zen Timepiece can serve as a mindfulness bell in two ways: it can be set to strike on the hour (providing an hourly moment of stillness), or it can be set to strike at a programmed interval, such as every 20 minutes, or even every three hours.
 Soothing Chime Meditation & Yoga Timers from Now & Zen, Inc.
Now & Zen – The Meditation
& Yoga Timer Store
1638 Pearl Street
Boulder, CO 80302
(800) 779-6383
Posted in Bamboo Chime Clocks, Meditation Timers, Meditation Tools, mindfulness practice, Well-being, yoga, Yoga Timer, Yoga Timers by Now & Zen, zen
 Re-wire Your Brain for Happiness - Choose a Meditation Timer with Chime
A quiet explosion of new research indicating that meditation can physically change the brain in astonishing ways has started to push into mainstream.
Several studies suggest that these changes through meditation can make you happier, less stressed — even nicer to other people. It can help you control your eating habits and even reduce chronic pain, all the while without taking prescription medication.
Meditation is an intimate and intense exercise that can be done solo or in a group, and one study showed that 20 million Americans say they practice meditation. It has been used to help treat addictions, to clear psoriasis and even to treat men with impotence.
The U.S. Marines are testing meditation to see if it makes more focused, effective warriors. Corporate executives at Google, General Mills, Target and Aetna Insurance, as well as students in some of the nation’s classrooms have used meditation.
Various celebrities also are known meditators, including shock jock Howard Stern, actors Richard Gere, Goldie Hawn and Heather Graham, and Rivers Cuomo, the lead singer of the band Weezer.
In one study, a research team from Massachusetts General Hospital looked at the brain scans of 16 people before and after they participated in an eight-week course in mindfulness meditation. The study, published in the January issue of Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, concluded that after completing the course, parts of the participants’ brains associated with compassion and self-awareness grew, and parts associated with stress shrank.
Recently, the Dalai Lama granted permission for his monks, who are master mediators, to have their brains studied at the University of Wisconsin, one of the most high-tech brain labs in the world.
Richie Davidson, a PhD at the university, and his colleagues, led the study and said they were amazed by what they found in the monks’ brain activity read-outs. During meditation, electroencephalogram patterns increased and remains higher than the initial baseline taken from a non-meditative state.
But you don’t have to be a monk to benefit from meditation, which is now gaining acceptance in the field of medicine.
 The Most Soothing Meditation Timer and Clock with Chime
Physicians have increasingly started prescribing meditation instead of pills to benefit their patients. A Harvard Medical School report released in May found that more than 6 million Americans had been recommended meditation and other mind-body therapies by conventional health care providers.
Perhaps the most mind-bending potential benefit of meditation is that it will actually make practitioners nicer. Chuck Raison, a professor at Emory University, conducted a meditation study in which he hooked up microphones to participants who had been taught basic meditation and those who hadn’t. He then recorded them at random over a period of time. Raison found that these newly-trained mediators used less harsh language than people who had no meditation experience.
“They were more empathic with people,” Raison said. “They were spending more time with other people. They laugh more, you know, all those things. They didn’t use the word ‘I’ as much. They use the word ‘we’ more.”
However, even the Dalai Lama admitted that meditation is not the silver bullet cure-all for every ailment or emotion.
“Occasionally, [I] lose my temper,” he said. “If someone is never lose temper then perhaps that may come from outer space, real strange.”
The Dalai Lama also cautioned that meditation takes patience, so new mediators should not expect immediate results.
“The enlightenment not depend on rank,” he said, laughing. “It depends on practice.”
Some scientists believe that in a generation, Americans will see meditation as being as essential to maintaining a healthy lifestyle as diet and exercise.
Although meditation can be done in almost any context, practitioners usually employ a quiet, tranquil space, a meditation cushion or bench, and some kind of timing device to time the meditation session. Ideally, the more these accoutrements can be integrated the better. Thus, it is conducive to a satisfying meditation practice to have a timer or clock that is tranquil and beautiful. Using a kitchen timer or beeper watch is less than ideal.
And it was with these considerations in mind that we designed our digital Zen Alarm Clock and practice timer. This unique “Zen Clock” features a long-resonating acoustic chime that brings the meditation session to a gradual close, preserving the environment of stillness while also acting as an effective time signal.
adapted from worldnewsreport.com by Maggy Patrick and Lauren Effron
 The Most Soothing Meditation Timer and Clock with Acoustic Chime
Now & Zen – The Meditation Timer Store
1638 Pearl Street
Boulder, CO 80302
(800) 779-6383
Posted in Meditation Timers, Meditation Tools, Now & Zen Alarm Clocks, Zen Alarm Clock, Zen Timepiece by Now & Zen, Zen Timers
 Signing Bowl Alarm Clock and Timer - Ukyioe Girls Festival Chokosai Eisho
One powerful way to tap into the authentic inspiration and boundless creativity potential is to invoke your higher Self. The following meditation, which Yogi Bhajan taught students, can help you sharpen concentration, access intuition, and enhance creativity.
Begin by sitting in any meditation pose, with your eyes focusing on the tip of your nose. Lift your chest and elongate the spine. Lift the crown of the head as your chin relaxes down and in. Let the shoulder blades relax down the back.
Create a connection to the sacred wisdom within by chanting Ong namo guru dev namo three times. This chant calls on the creative consciousness and the subtle intelligence of the entire universe. Ongis similar to Om—the vibrational sound of the universe—but in its active, creative form. While Om is beyond time and space, Ongconnects us to the creative energy embodied in this moment. Namomeans “to acknowledge or call on respectfully.” Guru refers to wisdom or teacher, and dev refers to the subtle or divine.
Next, bring your awareness to the breath and silently repeat the syllables sa ta na ma, the sacred mantras signifying infinity, birth, death, and rebirth–the cycle of creation. Continue for 11 to 62 minutes. When you feel complete, inhale and retain the breath only for as long as it is comfortable. Exhale and continue to breathe naturally.
Take a moment to say a prayer or set an intention for your creative endeavors. To close, chant sat nam (which means “I am truth”) three times.
 Singing Bowl Meditation and Yoga Timer with Gentle Chime
Use our unique “Zen Clock” which functions as a Yoga & Meditation Timer. It features a long-resonating acoustic chime that brings your meditation or yoga session to a gradual close, preserving the environment of stillness while also acting as an effective time signal. Our Yoga Timer & Clock can be programmed to chime at the end of the meditation or yoga session or periodically throughout the session as a kind of sonic yantra. The beauty and functionality of the Zen Clock/Timer makes it a meditation tool that can actually help you “make time” for meditation in your life. Bring yourself back to balance.
adapted from www.himalayaninstitute.org by Hari Kirin Kaur Khalsa
 Singing Bowl Alarm Clocks by Now & Zen, Inc.
Now & Zen – The Singing Bowl
Alarm Clock Headquarter Store
1638 Pearl Street
Boulder, CO 80302
(800) 779-6383
Posted in Bamboo Chime Clocks, Chime Alarm Clocks, Meditation Timers, Meditation Tools, mindfulness practice
 Meditation - Even a Little Helps - Ukiyoe - Genji Monogatari Musee Saint Remi
You don’t have to be a monk.
Scientific literature is brimming with research showing that transcendental meditation literally changes the structure of the human brain, at least among persons who practice “mindfulness,” as it is sometimes called, for many years.
But new research shows that even 20 minutes a day, four days a week, can produce an impressive increase in critical cognitive skills.
“Simply stated, the profound improvements that we found after just four days of meditation training are really surprising,” psychologist Fadel Zeidan said in releasing the study. “It goes to show that the mind is, in fact, easily changeable and highly influenced, especially by meditation.”
 Meditation - Choose a Gong Meditation Timer for Your Practice
Zeiden led the study while finishing his doctoral studies at the University of North Carolina, Charlotte. He is now a researcher at Wake Forest University School of Medicine.
Benefits Unlikely to Last Long Unless You Keep at It
If other scientists replicate his work, it means it may not be necessary to lock yourself in a closet for hours at a time to benefit from this Far Eastern therapy.
That said, however, this research does not suggest that more would not be better, and Zeidan cautioned that while a modest effort can produce big results, they are not likely to last long unless you keep it up over an extensive period of time. Like years.
And while there are many books out there explaining “do-it-yourself” techniques, the participants in the North Carolina study were trained professionally, although for a total of only 80 minutes. Those who received the training were as much as 10 times better in their ability to remain focused on a subject while retaining other information.
All 63 participants were students, and only 49 completed the experiment, suggesting this may not be as easy as it sounds. The students were divided into two groups, and all were subjected to a broad range of behavioral tests on mood, memory, visual attention, and vigilance. Then one group listened to a reading of J.R.R. Tolkein’s “The Hobbit.”
Meditation Training Was Basic Buddhist Meditation
The other group received the meditation training for an equivalent period of time.
The two groups were equal on the behavioral tests at the beginning of the experiment. Both scored about the same on mood testing in the second phase, but the students who received the meditation training scored significantly higher on cognitive tests.
In one test, students were shown an image, called a stimulus, on a computer monitor and told to identify it every time the stimulus appeared. If they got it right, the images would speed up, making it more difficult.
The students who received the meditation training averaged about 10 consecutive correct answers while the group that listened to the reading averaged only about one.
The training itself was pretty basic Buddhist meditation. Participants were told to relax, keep their eyes closed, and focus on the flow of their breath at the tip of their nose. If their thoughts strayed, they were instructed to note the thoughts, and resume concentrating on their breath.
Sounds preposterous, right? Why would something that simple change the brain?
Meditation Changes Structure of the Brain, Research Shows
 Meditation - Use a Gong Meditation Timer for Your Practice
Numerous studies by very serious scientists show at least partly why it works, at least over the long haul.
— Buddhist Insight meditation, practiced 40 minutes a day, literally changed the structure of the brain, according to a study by researchers from Yale, Harvard, Massachusetts General Hospital and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. That 2005 study was based on functional magnetic resonance imaging that showed an increase in thickness of regions of the brain that are important for sensory, cognitive and emotional processing. The changes are expected to be “long lasting,” the researchers said.
— Brain imaging at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2008 showed that brain circuits used to detect emotions and feelings were “dramatically changed” in subjects who had extensive experience practicing compassion meditation. That suggests we can train ourselves to be compassionate, much like we train to play a musical instrument. The participants in this study, by the way, were Tibetan monks with at least 10,000 hours of meditation.
— Can it reduce pain? Yes, according to research in London involving 12 monks with 30 years experience. Brain scans showed the monks had a 40 to 50 percent lower brain response to pain than 12 persons who had no training in transcendental meditation. But here’s the surprising finding. When the 12 untrained persons were trained for five months, they also lowered their pain response by a comparable 40-50 percent.
Continued Practice Needed for Long-Term Stable Changes
Numerous other studies have shown real physical changes ranging from enhanced immunity to a slowing of the aging-related atrophy of some areas of the brain.
So this is big stuff, but in a telephone interview Zeidan offered a few words of caution.
“By no means will four days of practice be it. This just suggests that the effect of meditation can be directly perceived and there are some short term benefits,” he said.
“We were really surprised with the findings. There are some dramatic differences in cognition, but it’s kind of like going to the gym and working on a bicep. You go to the gym four days and you might be sore, there might be some muscle strength increase, but that’s it. If you stop, your muscle is going to go back.
“So you have to continue to practice to experience more long term stable changes,” he added. But you don’t have to become a monk.
adapted from worldnewsreport.com by Lee Dye
As beautiful to see as it is to hear, the Zen Timepiece is also a decorative accessory that adds elegance to any room. Its wood platform (available in cherry or maple) is designed to be positioned either with the clock’s digital display to the front, or turned around, with the bowl-gong in the front. Although the clock looks good both ways, when the digital display is turned to the back it accentuates the clock’s natural theme and helps reduce the visual clutter of electronic modernity in one’s interior environment.
 Gong Meditation Timer for Your Stillness Practice
At a suggested retail price of $199.95, it may be the world’s most expensive alarm clock, but according to Steve McIntosh, it’s definitely worth it: “Waking up in the morning is a metaphor for life, and anything that adds grace and beauty to this daily process is a good investment. When you use the Zen Timepiece it’s like waking up in a Zen temple.”
 Visit our Gong Meditation Store - Boulder, CO
Now & Zen – The Gong Meditation Store
1638 Pearl Street
Boulder, CO 80302
Posted in Meditation Timers, Meditation Tools, mindfulness practice, Now & Zen Alarm Clocks, Zen Timepiece by Now & Zen, Zen Timers
 Choose a Soothing Sounds Alarm Clock - Elegant Women. Courtesy of the Japan Ukiyo-e Museum
Ask yourself: What health-related effects of stress have you already noticed in your life?
If you haven’t considered (or you’ve chosen to ignore) the harmful effects that stress can have on your mind and body, you’re overlooking a major threat to your well-being.
Taking a long, hard look at the potential consequences of unrelenting, unaddressed anxiety can help us realize that we need to make a change, before it’s too late.
 Soothing Sounds Alarm Clocks and Timers with Acoustic Chimes
Start a Meditation Practice:
Although meditation can be done in almost any context, practitioners usually employ a quiet, tranquil space, a meditation cushion or bench, and some kind of timing device to time the meditation session. Ideally, the more these accoutrements can be integrated the better. Thus, it is conducive to a satisfying meditation practice to have a timer or clock that is tranquil and beautiful.
Using a kitchen timer or beeper watch is less than ideal. And it was with these considerations in mind that we designed our digital Zen Alarm Clock and practice timer. This unique “Zen Clock” features a long-resonating acoustic chime that brings the meditation session to a gradual close, preserving the environment of stillness while also acting as an effective time signal.
 Soothing Sounds Timers and Alarm Clocks with Chime
Now & Zen – The Soothing Sounds Alarm Clock Headquarter Store
1638 Pearl Street
Boulder, CO 80302
(800) 779-6383
Posted in Chime Alarm Clocks, Meditation Timers, Meditation Tools, mindfulness practice, Natural Awakening, Zen Timepiece by Now & Zen, Zen Timers
 The Zen Timepiece can serve as a mindfulness bell
Little by little, meditation is shedding its image as a strange spiritual discipline practiced by monks and ascetics in Asia. Gwyneth Paltrow meditates. Rivers Cuomo, lead singer of the rock band Weezer, meditates. David Lynch — his movies are strange, but he is strangely normal — meditates. Meditation has helped recent military veterans deal with post-traumatic stress disorder.
Beyond celebrities and the military, there’s science. A growing body of research shows that meditation has a discernible effect on the brain that promotes various types of health and well-being.
Anyone interested may need to surmount the final hurdle: the assumption that meditation is hard, time-consuming, painful or complicated. Or religious. While there are lots of different kinds of meditation — from transcendental meditation to Zen — experts and health organizations such as the National Institutes of Health agree a beginner need not bother grappling with them. Meditation is simple and easy, and everyone can do it and benefit from it. Here are some tips:
Find some free time — at least 20 minutes — and as calm and quiet a place as you can. Meditating with interruptions from your BlackBerry or your computer doesn’t really work.
Sit down and make yourself comfortable. Some traditions use physical positions — mudras, in Sanskrit — in meditation. The most famous is sitting on the ground in the lotus position, i.e., Indian style. If you are comfortable sitting this way for longer than a few minutes, fine. If not, sit in a chair.
Don’t just do something, sit there — to quote the title of a well-known book on meditation by Sylvia Boorstein. Don’t launch immediately into what you think meditation is. Let your mind and body settle for a minute or so. Life is stressful enough; don’t make meditation stressful and rushed.
Pick something and gently center your attention on it. It can be your breathing, which works well because of its easy, natural rhythm. It can be an image, mental or physical — one can meditate with eyes open or closed, whichever works. It can be a mantra, a sound or word that you repeat in your mind or with your voice. “Om” — with most of your time resting on that nice m sound — is the most famous.
When your mind wanders, gently bring it back to the thing you picked.
When your mind wanders again, gently bring it back to the thing you picked. The mind is a wandering machine. Meditation is not having an empty mind; it’s gently quieting your mind using the technique of concentrating on one thing. Over the time you sit, you will likely notice your mind getting a bit quieter.
When your mind wanders again, gently bring it back to the thing you picked. The key word is gently. Meditation is a simple technique, but it’s also an approach, a way of being. People, especially Americans, tend to worry about doing it right. Worrying about doing it right is the one wrong way to meditate. Don’t be angry or frustrated with your mind or yourself.
Gently close your meditation when you wish or need to. The idea is relaxation and reducing stress, remember? Make it smooth, not jarring. Let the relaxation you cultivated breathe a bit before going on to the next thing in your day.
Repeat as needed. Meditation works best when it’s done regularly and over a long period. That doesn’t have to mean for hours every day. It can be once every other day for 20 minutes. Many meditaters refer to their “practice.” Its benefits happen, and happen more deeply, when it’s something you do regularly for some time.
 The Zen Timepiece - a Singing Bowl Meditation Timer and Clock
Use our unique “Zen Clock” which functions as a Yoga & Meditation Timer. It features a long-resonating acoustic chime that brings your meditation or yoga session to a gradual close, preserving the environment of stillness while also acting as an effective time signal. Our Yoga Timer & Clock can be programmed to chime at the end of the meditation or yoga session or periodically throughout the session as a kind of sonic yantra. The beauty and functionality of the Zen Clock/Timer makes it a meditation tool that can actually help you “make time” for meditation in your life. Bring yourself back to balance.
adapted from worldnews.com by Edward Lovett
 Singing Bowl Meditation Timer called The Zen Timepiece
Now & Zen – The Singing Bowl Meditation Timer Store
1638 Pearl Street
Boulder, CO 80302
(800) 779-6383
Posted in Bamboo Chime Clocks, Meditation Timers, Meditation Tools, mindfulness practice, Now & Zen Alarm Clocks
 Soothing Sound Timer and Alarm Clock - Harunobu Suzuki, Beauty at the Veranda
In the yogic tradition, breath is the foundation of all life, the sustaining connection between body and spirit. A telling indicator of health and mood, breath puts us in closer touch with ourselves on every level. Through pranayama, or breath control, we can manage our emotions, gain clarity — and take greater control of our lives. “The way you breathe is a metaphor for the way you live your life,” says Amy Weintraub, Kripalu yoga-teacher mentor and author of Yoga for Depression. “Are you taking little sips of breath as though you don’t deserve to take up space on the planet, or are you breathing full and standing tall?” Try this pranayama exercise once a day or whenever you need to.
Ocean-Sounding Victory Breath
This calming breath, also known as ujjayi breath, has a settling effect on the central nervous system while increasing mental alertness and clarity — making it very effective for those suffering from anxiety and depression, says Weintraub. “Even three ujjayi breaths can cause a complete paradigm shift in your mood. This is a great exercise to do before meditation or anytime to help reduce stress.”
 Soothing Sounds Meditation Timer and Alarm Clock with Acoustic Chime
1. Inhale through your nostrils with a slight constriction at the back of your throat so the breath travels over the glottis, making a soft but audible sound. Think ocean waves rolling over pebbles. Imagine that you are actually breathing from the back of your throat.
2. Exhale through your nostrils, pulling the belly toward your spine. Empty your lungs completely. Begin again, slowly.
3. Continue to breathe deeply and audibly on the inhalation and exhalation. Allow the belly, the rib cage, and the upper chest to expand with each inhalation. Let the breath be like a lullaby to yourself.
Use our unique “Zen Clock” which functions as a Yoga & Meditation Timer. It features a long-resonating acoustic chime that brings your meditation or yoga session to a gradual close, preserving the environment of stillness while also acting as an effective time signal.
Our Yoga Timer & Clock can be programmed to chime at the end of the meditation or yoga session or periodically throughout the session as a kind of sonic yantra. The beauty and functionality of the Zen Clock/Timer makes it a meditation tool that can actually help you “make time” for meditation in your life. Bring yourself back to balance.
adapted from body + soul, April/May 2005 Terri Trespicio
 Soothing Sounds Alarm Clock and Meditation Timer from Now & Zen, Inc.
Soothing Sounds Alarm Clock & Timer Store
Now & Zen, Inc.
1638 Pearl Street
Boulder, CO 80302
(800) 779-6383
Posted in Bamboo Chime Clocks, Meditation Timers, Meditation Tools, mindfulness practice, Progressive Awakening, yoga, Yoga Timer, Yoga Timers by Now & Zen, Zen Timepiece by Now & Zen, Zen Timers
 Soothing Sounds Timer and Alarm Clock with Gentle Acoustic Chime
Breathing Exercise to Calm Down:
Of course, breathwork alone won’t magically resolve your issues. But it can bring you into greater awareness of your emotions before they sabotage your mood or behavior. And that alone may be worth it.
Calm Down: Slow Breath (three minutes)
What You’ll Need
A Zen Chime Timer; a folded blanket or firm cushion.
What It Does
This practice calms the mind and the central nervous system, helping put the brakes on a frenzied pace. “When you slow your breathing down, you slow your life down,” says Strom. Plus, it can spark your creativity. “I’ve had students stop in the middle of class and grab a pen. When the mind chatter stops, the ideas fly in.”
How To Do It
Set your Zen Timer & Clock for three minutes so you don’t have to keep track. Be sure to keep your spine erect. (Slouching can inhibit deep breathing.)
-Begin to lengthen the inhalation and exhalation (breathing slowly through your nose). First try inhaling for a count of four and exhaling for a count of four, then lengthen (aim for a count of seven on the in breath and seven on the out breath).
-Be careful not to hold your breath. You want to slow it down, not stop it.
-When the timer goes off, return to a normal breathing pace.
 Soothing Sounds Time with Gentle Chime
 Soothing Sounds Timer & Alarm Clock by Now & Zen
Now & Zen – The Soothing Sounds Alarm Clock Store
1638 Pearl Street
Boulder, CO 80302
(800) 779-6383
Posted in Chime Alarm Clocks, Meditation Timers, Meditation Tools, mindfulness practice, Now & Zen Alarm Clocks
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