Now & Zen — Customer Reviews
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When you create such wonderful products as you do, I'm sure you must get many kudos quite frequently. Nonetheless, if you were to imagine a small house on a little lake nestled in the Catskill Mountains, and as you peered into the open living room past a comfortably resting family spread out on their sofa, you will find a Zen Timepiece above the crackling fire atop the grand place, truly the centerpiece of our home.
A person can certainly get lost in the tranquility your products bring. Thank You.
— J. R., Catskill Mountains, Via e-mail
I have had one of your clocks for years, dropped it and broke it, and now need a new one since I can't imagine waking up to anything else.
— A.S., Springfield, MO, Via e-mail
I am extremely satisfied. Best alarm clock ever!
— Carlos A, San Francisco, Via e-mail
From Metafilter Community Weblog
“I love my Zen Alarm Clock. If you can get past the new-age marketing, it's great. It's the first alarm I've ever had that doesn't startle me awake, and also the first that I can manage to set accurately with no frustration, even when I'm exhausted. The cost is definitely high— around $100— but it's the only clock I've ever had that hasn't made me violent. As a night owl with an early morning job, I've tried a lot. My favorite thing about it is that it automatically snoozes. It chimes ONCE at the time you set, then shuts the hell up for a few minutes before chiming again. It continues this cycle with shorter silences in between each chime, and doesn't get annoying for 7 or 8 minutes— enough time for me to regain consciousness. The amount of love I have for this clock frightens me. I'll stop rambling now.”
— Posted by Lossewen
“My wonderful clock arrived last week. I use it as a timer for daily practice. I LOVE MY CLOCK! I have this one in the bedroom and will be ordering a second one for my den in the near future. Thank you for a wonderful product!”
— C. D., Knoxville, TN, Via e-mail
From a Blog
Take a look at the Zen Alarm Clock from Now & Zen. It's a simple, silent, analog-faced clock with a progressive TUNED REAL METAL chime and no snooze button. It produces a sweet sustained note with each chime. It's never failed to wake me up happy in fifteen years.
It's expensive, but it's totally reliable and actually pleasant to wake up to.
— Posted by Dael
“Just a quick email to say how pleased I am with my new Zen Timepiece that you sent to me here in the UK a few weeks ago...It is so well made and is perfect for meditation....full marks indeed...!!! I wish you every success with it.”
— D. H., United Kingdom, Via e-mail
The Digital Zen Clock I ordered through your Web Site arrived this week and I couldn't be more pleased. The craftsmanship is impeccable, the chime is music to my ears, and the countdown timer is the perfect tool for meditation. The alarm is the perfect way to wake up in the morning. No more jarring radio static to start the day. I love waking up to the gentle chime sequence expertly programmed in your fine instrument. Thank you for such an awesome product, and best of luck.
W. H., NYC, Via e-mail
”I received my Digital Zen Alarm Clock today and am very excited. It's truly beautiful and sounds great. Thank you so much for the fast delivery and for even supplying a Swiss power-supply!! :-D”
— S. J., Zurich Switzerland, Via e-mail
"I received a Zen Alarm Clock for my birthday this weekend. On the normally dreaded Monday, I awakened calmly and naturally. Thanks to your wonderful clock. The progressive awakening experience is a joy, I can hardly wait for tomorrow morning!"
— T. M., Via e-mail
From Metafilter Weblog
I was given one of those Zen Alarm Clocks with the Fibonacci cycle of natural, tuned chimes (made by the same people who make the non-digital one in rob511's first link). Yes, they're $90.00, but the alarm is almost painless to wake to, and impossible to sleep through. The sound it makes is pleasing to the ear and does not promote startle reflexes or nightmares. It permits the tiny abrogations of responsibility that are the magic of snooze buttons, but without pushing any buttons. And the snooze period gets shorter and shorter until I find I am just... awake! It also lives inside a beautiful wooden box, so that I never need to see the numbers on the clock, and it has a little nautilus on the off button. I like him — he's curly and reminiscent of the alarm progression. It's only been a month, but I think this is my answer to my years-long search for a better way to wake up.
— Posted by Sallyfur
"Received The Zen Alarm Clock for a Christmas gift from my friend Robert. I love it. My cats love it. Thank you so much for the lovely clock."
— P. G., New York, NY
"Just wanted you to know my Zen Alarm Clock is changing my life. It's so refreshing to hear the chime rather than an annoying buzz. So, thank you very much!"
— G. P., Campbell, CA
"To be able to travel and to have a "conscious" timer at home is a blessing and joy."
— R. D., Minn., MN
"Well, you have done it! For the past several years I have searched all over the world for a meditation timer that would 'chime'. My search is over. Thank you!"
— E. O., Concord, CA
"Wow! The Zen Alarm Clock is beyond expectations! It's awesome and I love it! I am delighted with everything I've purchased from Now & Zen."
— J. W., Little Rock, AK
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