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Archive for the 'wake up alarm clock' Category
 Choose a Gentle Chime Alarm Clock
View your sleeping environment and decide what you can control. Awakening can be triggered by external cues such as light and sound; hence the effectiveness of the alarm clock. These triggers can override the circadian rhythm.
- Light: Your mind will respond to light and bring you out of sleep. Leave your curtains or blinds open to wake up with the sunrise. Close them if you need to sleep later. Adjust the positioning of your bed to catch the light at the right time—you may need to move your bed occasionally since the sun will strike your room at a slightly different angle as the seasons progress. If you are camping, locate your tent so that the sun will hit it unobstructed (make sure there are no trees, hills, etc. that will prevent the sun from hitting your tent early in the morning). Remember that the sun rises in the east; in the northern hemisphere a south-facing orientation will receive more sunlight, and in the southern hemisphere a north-facing orientation will get more, but unless you are trying to wake up when the sun is high in the sky, you will still want to face to the east to catch the sun when it rises. As stated earlier, the position of your bed will depend heavily on the time of the year, and the time you want to wake up. If you need to get up before the sun rises, putting the lights in your room on a timer can also help, as this may not seem as disruptive as an alarm clock. Or better yet, choose a gentle, soothing way to wake up like using a Zen Chime Alarm Clock. When the clock’s alarm is triggered, the acoustic chime bar is struck just once … 3-1/2 minutes later it strikes again … chime strikes become more frequent over 10 minutes … eventually striking every 5 seconds until shut off.
 Zen Chime Alarm Clock, for a progressive awakening
- Sound: Noises (such as that pesky alarm) also bring you out of sleep. Identify what sounds regularly occur around where you sleep—and when they occur. Trains, automobiles, animals, and other people going about regular tasks can serve as waking cues. You can take advantage of this by noting what wakes you up and when. Consider leaving your window open to capture more sounds.
- Temperature: Your sleeping body is very sensitive to temperature. If you turn your heat down at night and have a timer on your thermostat, you can set the heat to come back on about an hour before you want to wake up. Assuming you were at a comfortable sleeping temperature all night, this should prompt you to awaken. You can also use temperature in conjunction with light, since sunlight hitting your bed directly will warm you up. You may even be able to choose what blankets you use so that you will be comfortable throughout the night (your body temperature drops after midnight), but begin to get too hot as your body temperature naturally rises (regardless of external temperature), toward the end of your sleep cycle. If you want to take a brief nap outside on a hot day (when you are camping or backpacking, for instance), you can choose someplace to sleep where you will be in a shadow initially, but where you will eventually be in the sun.
- Smell: If you drink coffee regularly, the easiest way to use smell as a trigger to awake is to put your coffee maker in your bedroom and set its timer for just before when you want to wake up. Smell is not generally a reliable way to wake up, though, so use this in combination with other methods.
- Feeling: Drink a tall glass of water before going to bed. You will find that you wake up very promptly.and will occasionally have to wake up and use the bathroom, so you’ll be up at least 30 minutes before target time.
adapted from wikihow.com
Now & Zen
1638 Pearl St.
Boulder, CO 80302
 gentle alarms can wake you up so that you are still relaxed
Posted in Chime Alarm Clocks, Natural Awakening, wake up alarm clock
 Sleep Issues
Sleep Statistics
In 2008 the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention set out to learn just what determines how much sleep Americans get. The lowdown from the survey’s 403,981 respondents follows.
Women are more likely than men to get an insufficient amount of sleep. The results were 12.4 percent of women surveyed versus 9.9 percent of men.
Work helps you sleep. People who are employed get more rest than those who aren’t. But retirees get more sleep than either of those groups. (Only 9.5 percent of retired respondents reported not getting enough z’s.)
More education = more sleep. People with a college degree snooze more than those without a high school diploma or a GED.
Married and single people sleep roughly the same amount. But being divorced, widowed, or separated increases your likelihood of insufficient sleep.
Where you live affects your sleep. West Virginia has the highest rate of sleeplessness—more than 19 percent of respondents. For more sufficient sleep, head to North Dakota, where only 7.4 percent reported inadequate sleep.
The good news? The older you grow, the more likely you are to get enough sleep. People over the age of 65 reported the lowest percentage of insufficient sleep.
adapted from RealSimple.com
 Zen Alarm Clocks Contribute to Good Sleep Habits
Now & Zen Alarm Clock Store
1638 Pearl Street
Boulder, CO 80302
(800) 779-6383
Posted in Meditation Tools, mindfulness practice, Natural Awakening, sleep, Sleep Habits, wake up alarm clock
 Stretch and do Yoga with Your Chime Timer to Create a Wake Up routine in the Morning
These energy-boosting changes to your daily routine will leave you feeling recharged.
Time to Wake Up!
Even if you’re a morning person, you’re probably far from firing on all cylinders when you first open your eyes. “It can take up to two hours to get the brain fully alert,” says Matthew Edlund, M.D., the director of the Gulf Coast Sleep Institute, in Sarasota, Florida, and the author ofThe Power of Rest: Why Sleep Alone Is Not Enough ($26, amazon.com). One reason you’re lethargic is that your core body temperature has dipped during the night to keep you in deep, restorative slumber. Try these morning energy strategies to get going with a lot less grief.
Let in the sun and stretch. Exposure to light stimulates your brain to stop producing melatonin (the hormone that helps induce sleepiness), says Edlund. Light also gets your body out of sleep mode by resetting the brain’s suprachiasmatic nucleus (a big name for a region about the size of a grain of rice), which controls the body’s circadian rhythms (or 24-hour biological clock). Meanwhile, Edlund says, “the first physical activity of the day raises the body temperature and increases blood flow to your brain.” Open the blinds, then try some stretches in front of the window. (If neighbors live in close range, make sure your pj’s are presentable.) Use your Zen Timepiece by setting it to count down in 20 minutes while you gently stretch and do a few yoga poses.
 Chime Timer by Now & Zen with Tibetan-Singing Bowl Gong
Get moving. A morning workout triggers feel-good endorphins and lowers elevated stress hormones. The effects can last six to eight hours, says Gregory Florez, a spokesperson for the American Council on Exercise, in Salt Lake City: “Morning exercisers tend not to have midmorning slumps and are sharper mentally than if they hadn’t exercised.” You’ll get the most bang for your energy buck, he says, with a workout that includes both cardio and strength training.
Look at something you love. Mornings are especially hard because we’re in survival mode, says Jim Loehr, Ed.D., a cofounder of the Human Performance Institute, in Orlando, Florida. We have to meet basic needs, like hunger and thirst, and to the body that feels as if we’re under threat, which saps our energy. Positive emotions, like hope and gratitude, fight that energy drain by counteracting the primal messages that we’re in some kind of danger. Loehr suggests kick-starting those positive emotions by looking at something meaningful: Next to your bed, place a treasured photo, flowers, or anything else you’re grateful to see.
Shake up your routine. The brain responds to novel experiences by releasing a rush of neurotransmitters, such as dopamine, which make you more alert. No need for a morning cliff dive—just take something ordinary and switch it up: If you’re right-handed, use your left hand to brush your teeth.
By Amy Paturel and Sara Reistad-Long from RealSimple.com
 Chime Timers and Clocks for A Gradual Awakening
Now & Zen Headquarter Store
1638 Pearl Street
Boulder, CO 80302
(800) 779-6383
Posted in Chime Alarm Clocks, Now & Zen Alarm Clocks, wake up alarm clock, Well-being, Yoga Timer, Yoga Timers by Now & Zen
 Bamboo Clocks
Clocks As Learning Tools
It’s playtime―or is it cleanup time? Kids can master months of the year, days of the week, dates, and the concepts of a.m. and p.m. with a multipurpose clock and flip calendar on the wall.
 Kids meditation tools and timers
Meditation Tools
The Digital Zen Clock also serves as a countdown and interval timer for yoga, meditation, bodywork, etc.; and it can also be set to chime on the hour as a tool for “mindfulness.”
Using a Singing Bowl Clock helps children time their meditation practice.
 Clocks Can Be Used a Meditation Learning Tools for Children
Now & Zen
1638 Pearl Street
Boulder, CO 80302
(800) 779-6383
Posted in Bamboo Chime Clocks, wake up alarm clock, Zen Alarm Clock
 Therapeutic Chime Alarm Clocks
Pythagorean Tuning
The special tuning of the Zen Alarm Clock’s chime takes its inspiration from the ancient Greek master Pythagoras who lived in the 6th century B.C. Pythagoras is one of history’s most mystical geniuses. Although he is best known for his theorem in geometry, Pythagoras was primarily a religious teacher, and his understanding of the universe retains much vitality for our day. Pythagoras embodied the ancient Greeks’ zest for understanding and their passion for the “physics of spirit.”
The Zen Alarm Clock’s chime is tuned according to the ancient method developed by Pythagoras. The larger chime on model 4502 corresponds to an “E” note, and the smaller chime on model 4460 to a “B” note. However, these notes vibrate at different frequencies than their equivalent notes on a modern piano. Modern instrument tuning makes each note slightly flat or sharp so a whole range of instruments can play together. But modern tuning compromises the enchanting and therapeutic quality—the purity—of the naturally occurring tones discovered by Pythagoras. As a result of their natural tuning, the tones of your Zen Alarm Clock correspond to the vibrations of nature—the motion of the planets and the frequencies of life. This is the secret of its therapeutic effect.
 Zen Clock Store in Boulder, Colorado
Now & Zen Headquarter Store
1638 Pearl Street
Boulder, CO 80302
(800) 779-6383
Posted in Now & Zen Alarm Clocks, wake up alarm clock
Just Say No to a Snooze Button
Most modern alarm clocks include a “snooze button” mechanism which allows the user to go back to sleep for a brief period after the initial alarm.
 just say no to the snooze button on your alarm clock
While this may make it easier for some people to “face the day,” here at Now & Zen we feel the whole concept of a snooze button is “all wrong.”
People want snooze buttons because they want to awaken gradually. And this is only natural because just as our bodies fall asleep gradually, our bodies also want to wake up gradually. However, with a regular, snooze button-equipped alarm clock the user is initially “startled awake” by the alarm, and then continually startled awake with each press of the snooze button. This is not the way to treat your body because it creates a kind of merry-go-round of multiple “rude awakenings.”
 Zen Alarm Clocks make waking up a beautiful experience
As an alternative we recommend using our Zen Alarm Clock, which wakes users gradually with a built-in 10 minute progression of gradually increasing acoustic chimes. It really is a better way to get up in the morning.
Zen Alarm Clocks make waking up a beautiful experience. And once you experience the Zen Clock’s gradual 10 minute chime progression, you will never want to wake up any other way again.
 Boulder, Colorado
Now & Zen Headquarter Store
1638 Pearl Street
Boulder, CO 80302
(800) 779-6383
Posted in Natural Awakening, Now & Zen Alarm Clocks, wake up alarm clock
 enliven your mood in the morning
While morning doesn’t last very long, it sets the tone for the day to follow. “If you start grumpy, you filter your whole day through that mood,” notes Novie. Finding even a few minutes to enjoy something simple about your morning can make a big difference.
Play a little. Mornings don’t have to be dour. Add a little early levity to improve your mood and the start to your day. Play with your pet or your kids, or do something you rarely have time for in the evenings, like reading that book you’ve been wanting to get into. Treat yourself to one thing that you don’t do at any other time. Set your Zen Timer gong in 20 minutes so that you can fully enjoy this time.
Savor something. Whether you like a big breakfast omelet or prefer toast and tea, eating food you enjoy can’t help but affect your mood for the better. Stock up on the ingredients you need to create your favorite breakfast, so they’re always in your cupboard first thing to lift your mood. But more important, take a few minutes to really experience and savor breakfast, even if it’s just a glass of juice. Allowing yourself to be absorbed in something you enjoy is a wonderful way to begin the day.
adapted from Body + Soul Magazine, March 2006
 Zen Timepiece, a natural sounding timer with bowl/gong
Now & Zen’s Clock Store
1638 Pearl Street
Boulder, CO 80302
(800) 779-6383
Posted in Natural Awakening, Now & Zen Alarm Clocks, sleep, Sleep Habits, wake up alarm clock
 progressive awakening
Waking up in the morning is a metaphor for life — a kind of daily microcosmic reenactment of our overall purpose for being in the world. That is, just about every religious tradition emphasizes spiritual growth. And the connection between “awakening” and spiritual growth can be found in practically all forms of spiritual teaching.
So if waking up in the morning really is a metaphor for our larger spiritual lives, this perspective might help us treat our morning ritual of getting out of bed as a kind of spiritual practice. Indeed, when approached in this way, how we wake up in the morning can make a larger difference in our lives overall.
 waking up
Perhaps this is stretching the matter, but there are many people who do recognize that something as simple as waking up in the morning can be an authentic form of spiritual practice. For those who don’t have to go to work or get the kids to school, waking up naturally, whenever their body feels like it, can be a wonderful version of this practice. Waking up without an alarm, whenever your body has had enough rest, is probably the healthiest option, and the one that will leave us feeling most refreshed and ready to start the day.
However, there are few of us that have this luxury, especially during the week.
Fortunately, for those who want to wake up right, without being startled awake by an annoying alarm or some radio DJ, there is The Zen Alarm Clock. This clock was designed to make waking up a kind of spiritual practice.
 Digital Zen Alarm Clock
The Zen Clock wakes users with a built-in 10 minute gradual progression of acoustic chimes. And this gradual form of “progressive awakening” has been thoughtfully designed to include esoteric features that are fitting for a form of spiritual practice. For example, not only is the hardwood Zen Alarm Clock beautiful to see and hear, the clock’s chime is tuned to produce the same frequencies as the tuning forks used by musical therapists in their healing work. Moreover, the Zen Clock’s pre-programmed 10 minute chime progression sequence advances according to the “golden ratio,” which reflects both the natural proportions of our own bodies and the patterns of growth used in the overall evolution of the universe.
 love waking up with gentle chimes?
Even those who care little about such esoteric details nevertheless report that they love waking up with the gentle chimes of a Zen Alarm Clock. And as the makers of the Zen Alarm Clock hope, we may eventually come to see many of the simple details of our lives as forms of authentic spiritual practice.
Now & Zen Headquarter Store
1638 Pearl Street
Boulder, CO 80302
(800) 779-6383
Posted in Bamboo Chime Clocks, wake up alarm clock, Well-being, Zen Timepiece by Now & Zen
 Soothing Chime Alarm Clocks
Fear is an Alarm Clock
Paul Williams’ little book, Das Energi, is a classic of progressive spirituality, first published in 1973.
Here is a juicy excerpt that we thought would be appropriate for our “alarm clock blog“:
“It’s hard to stop the reasoning mind, which of course is the breeder of fear. Here is an argument your mind is sure to come up with; you may as well be familiar with it.
The argument is that fear is needed, fear is a warning, fear protects us from danger, if a baby didn’t learn to fear the hot stove he would be burned again and again. Not to think about fear, not to let it live, so the argument goes, is to blind oneself to danger.
Your mind will phrase the argument; your mind must answer it. Must answer it in advance; these arguments are deadly if they wait till fear is present, raging. Fear is born of reason, and it destroys reason. One must not use reason to combat fear.
So think about this argument now. Do we need fear? Is it our protection? This is what I think. I think fear is an alarm clock. The first thing you do when the alarm sounds is shut it off! Then respond to the alarm, collect yourself, take action.”
 There Is No Need to Fear Your Zen Chime Alarm Clock
Now & Zen Headquarter Store
1638 Pearl Street
Boulder, CO 80302
(800) 779-6383
Posted in Cherry Blossoms, Natural Awakening, wake up alarm clock
 Wonderful, Soothing Chime Alarm Clocks
Best Alarm Clocks:
Our Zen Alarm Clock Can Help You Wake-up on the Right Side of the Bed!
Weird and wonderful.
The Bamboo Digital Zen Clock’s long-resonating Tibetan bell-like chime makes waking up a beautiful experience – its progressive chimes begin your day with grace. When the clock’s alarm is triggered, the acoustic chime bar is struck just once … 3-1/2 minutes later it strikes again … chime strikes become more frequent over 10 minutes … eventually striking every 5 seconds until shut off. As they become more frequent, the gentle chimes will always wake you up – your body really doesn’t need to be awakened harshly, with a Zen Clock you’re awakened more gradually and thus more naturally.
 Sweetest Sounding Chime Alarm Clocks
Now & Zen Headquarter Store
1638 Pearl Street
Boulder, CO 80302
(800) 779-6383
Posted in wake up alarm clock, Well-being, Zen Alarm Clock
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